I'm 20 years in to my entrepreneurial journey and it was interesting to read this great piece from ex-Googler, Omar Itani on the trials and tribulations of being an entrepreneur.
Whilst many memories fade over the years, my memories of the trials and tribulations of building Calibre One are seared into my consciousness. I can't say I miss a lot of it - it was every bit as tough as Omar eloquently describes. However, on balance, no regrets. I'm blessed to be one of very few people who actually love what they do for a living.
Exactly one year ago I resigned from my role at Google. As much as I loved my time there, my decision came down to this: I was way too deep into my comfort zone. Life was just too easy — free breakfast and lunch served every single day, seven restaurants to choose from, an entire gym three floors underneath me, a swimming pool, a dentist, a laundry service, a barista brewing your coffee, two kitchens on every single floor. My role was no longer challenging me either and I wasn’t learning anything new in my day-to-day tasks — I completely lost the thrill. I figured I needed a change in scenery and some time off to shake things up a bit. So I did what I thought was right. I quit.